Red Pedal Dance Party Fundraiser
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    Red Pedal Dance Party Fundraiser

    Donations Benefit the American Heart Association

    When: Saturday, 2/24/2024 12:00 PM - 12:55 PM

    Where: Freidenrich Community Park

    Get yourself in gear as we ride to raise funds for life-saving heart and stroke research. Join Ruth's Ruthless Riders and DJ Smokey Smoke for a heart-pumping ride set to rocking music!

    Donations made at the event will benefit the American Heart Association.

    Why Donate?
    Donations to the American Heart Association help fund innovative research, advocacy and patient support until no more loved ones are lost to heart disease and stroke.

    Space limited to 24 participants—advance registration required.

    Saturday, February 24
    12:00–12:55 PM
    Outdoor Cycle Area, Friedenrich Community Park
    Free | $20 Suggested Donation
    Contact: Group Exercise Manager | [email protected]


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