Breastfeeding Connections
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    Breastfeeding Connections

    In English | In Partnership with Blossom Birth

    When: Second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

    Where: Jeff Center for Families (Bldg. G) G-106

    OFJCC Palo Alto JCCJoin other nursing parents in Blossom Birth's safe and supportive Breastfeeding Connections community. Get your questions answered by a Nursing Mothers Counsel trained volunteer breastfeeding counselor and meet other nursing parents who share these challenges.

    Meetings take place every second and fourth Tuesday of each month.


    For expectant and postpartum parents
    Second and fourth Tuesday of each month
    11:30 AM–12:30 PM
    Jeff Center for Families (Bldg. G)
    Contact: Blossom Birth & Family | [email protected] | (650) 321-2326

    OFJCC Palo Alto JCCOFJCC Palo Alto JCC

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