Infant Massage
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    Infant Massage

    In Partnership with Blossom Birth

    When: Thursday, 4/11/2024 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

    Session dates: Thursdays, 4/11/2024 - 4/25/2024, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

    Where: Jeff Center for Families (Bldg. G) G-106

    OFJCC Palo Alto JCCThe practice of infant massage is a unique and wonderful way to deepen the bond you have with your child. It provides countless physical and emotional benefits for both you and your baby, such as:

    • Helps relieve your gassy baby and improve his/her sleep.
    • Fosters emotional, physical and mental well-being, calms anxieties and contributes to healthy body image.
    • Maturing the nervous system; babies who are regularly massaged are more comfortable in their environment.ā€‹

    The class is best taken when your baby is pre-crawling, newborn to about eight months, depending on your child's development. The atmosphere allows for diaper changes, feeding and any other needs you and your baby may have.

    What you will learn:

    • Simple and effective massage techniques from Swedish massage, reflexology and traditional Indian massage, a special massage to relieve gas and colic
    • Ways of communicating with your pre-verbal baby
    • Relaxation techniques, for both you and baby
    • How to adapt massage as your child grows

    This three-week series is an opportunity for parents to become familiar with the infant massage philosophy and techniques, as well as learn and practice specific massage strokes and sequences. Please bring your baby!

    For families with infants who have not yet begun to crawl
    Thursdays, April 11–25
    1:00–3:00 PM
    Jeff Center for Families (Bldg G) G-106
    Contact: Blossom Birth Front Desk | [email protected]



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